Loggly vs Splunk - Which is the Better Log Management Tool?

January 20, 2022


Logging and managing logs are two of the most essential tasks that DevOps teams need to do. With the advent of cloud computing, logging and managing logs have become more convenient than ever. In today's blog post, we will compare two of the most popular cloud-based log management tools - Loggly and Splunk.

Overview of Loggly and Splunk

Loggly and Splunk are both cloud-based log management tools that allow DevOps teams to store, search, and analyze logs. Both tools offer the following features:

  • Real-time logging
  • Search capabilities
  • Customizable dashboards and visualizations
  • Integration with other tools and services
  • Alerting and monitoring

Loggly vs Splunk - A Comparison

Both Loggly and Splunk are excellent log management tools, but they differ in several ways. In this section, we will compare the two tools based on various factors.

1. User Interface

Loggly has a simplistic and easy-to-use user interface. The dashboard is intuitive, and it doesn't take long to get used to it. Splunk's user interface, on the other hand, can be a bit overwhelming for new users. It has a steeper learning curve, and some users might find it challenging to get started.

2. Pricing

Loggly and Splunk differ in pricing. Loggly has a straightforward pricing structure, with different plans based on the number of logs per day. Splunk, on the other hand, has a complicated pricing structure, making it difficult for users to estimate their costs. Splunk's pricing is also higher than Loggly's, which can be a concern for small businesses.

3. Performance

Loggly performs well with smaller log volumes, but there have been complaints about its performance with larger log volumes. Splunk, on the other hand, has excellent performance with large log volumes, but it can be slow with smaller volumes.

4. Integrations

Loggly and Splunk both offer integrations with other tools and services. Loggly's integrations are focused on DevOps tools such as GitHub and Jenkins, while Splunk has a broader range of integrations, including business analytics tools.


We hope this comparison of Loggly and Splunk has helped you decide which log management tool would be best for your organization. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your specific needs and preferences. Loggly is suitable for smaller businesses or organizations that need a simple and cost-effective log management tool. Splunk, on the other hand, is better suited for larger businesses or organizations that deal with vast amounts of log data that need a more powerful and robust tool.


  1. Loggly
  2. Splunk

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